Thursday, April 21, 2011

25 Weeks


The baby is getting more and more active.  I feel him the most every night before I fall asleep and he is the first thing I feel in the morning.  Ezekiel loves the feel him kick.  The first time he felt the baby move he looked at me with the biggest eyes as if to say "What the heck was that!!!"  I love that he loves to be involved with all of the baby stuff and he cannot wait to hold his baby brother.  My hopes are that they will be very close growing up although they will be 4 years apart in age.  On Sunday my girlfriends in housing threw me a surprise baby shower.  It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.  We came home from shopping all day and as soon as I opened the door I was greeted by 6 lovely ladies screaming SURPRISE!!!  I almost peed my pants I was so shocked!!  Sergio had been acting strange the whole day but I never suspected this!  It was so sweet for him to plan this with my two good friends Susie and Sallie.  My house was filled with food, decorations, flowers and gifts.  I got some awesome baby gifts that included 2 baby blankets that Sallie made, some adorable baby clothes and lots of baby accessories!  I cannot wait until baby "E" is here so I can wrap him in his blanket.


  1. Hi Heather! Thanks for following me! I'm happy to be your very first follower - lol! Yay! Our children are the about the same age...we're expecting a baby due in August and my son will be about 4 years older than her. How sweet and awesome of your friends to throw you a surprise shower!

  2. haha, totally didn't realize you were following me from baby bump! :) I saw a comment that you made about the weather in Puerto Rico

  3. Thank you for being my first follower Diana!! I am very new to blogging but I find it very fun!! I saw the post on Baby Bump about bloggers so I started following everyone on there!
