Thursday, July 28, 2011

37 week surprise!

At my 36 week OB appointment, my doctor checked me for dilation.  I was 3cm dilated, 50% effaced.  She said that this was pretty normal for a second time Mom; however, she did not think I would make it to my August 2nd due date.  I went home and called my hubby and he changed his flight from July 29th to July 15th.  On the morning of July 13th I woke up at 5:30am to use the restroom and when I laid back down in bed I felt a sudden gush "down there".  I remembered that feeling from my first pregnancy.  My water broke!!  I ran to the bathroom all the while yelling to my Mom to wake up, my water just broke!!  While in the bathroom I called my husband who was actually on the island of St. Croix for work and told him the good, yet bad news.  The baby was coming, but he would not make the birth.  My mom and I got ready and took Zeke to my Mother-in-laws and headed to the hospital.  When I got there they checked me and saw that I was 4cm dilated.  I was having mild contractions, nothing too bad.  At around 8:30 the nurse had me walk around to try and get my contractions to pick up.  Walking did not help so the nurse suggested a little pitocin and I asked for the epidural.  The anesthesiologist came and gave me the epidural which was wonderful!!  At 10:30 my future Sister-in-law Andrea came to the hospital to help keep me and my mom company.  We watched a little T.V. and talked about Andrea's upcoming wedding to my brother.  The nurse came in around 11:30 and checked me again and I was only at 7cm.  She said she was going to take her lunch and she would check me as soon as she got back.  Around 1:00pm she came back and I was at 10cm!!  Time to push.  They got my room ready and I asked both my Mom and Andrea to stay with me while I pushed.  My Doctor showed up and she told me that the baby was right there and to give her a big push at the next contraction.  One contraction and two pushes later and Elias Teodoro Urrutia entered the world at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.  She has a full head of dark brown hair and the most beautiful gray eyes!!  He began breastfeeding right away and is doing great at it still!!  We were released from the hospital after 24 hours and  my husband was able to switch his flight and make it to Colorado the next day (July 14th).  We are so in love with our new addition!!  Zeke loves his little brother so much, he is always kissing him!!!

First time big brother met little brother!

He is here!!

Getting ready for a bath!

After his first bath!